School buildings of 51 schools were completely damaged by the recent rain fury in Himachal

As many as 51 schools were completely damaged in the state during the recent rainfurry in Himachal Pradesh and partly damaging 1057.

This was stated by Education Minister Rohit Thakur while replying to a query raised by Vinod Kumar of Nachan assembly Mandi in the questions hour on Tuesday.

He said that total of 1057 primary and higher educational institutions in the state have suffered a loss of Rs 69.27 Cr due to rain, out of which 20 primary and higher educational institutions under Nachan assembly constituency have suffered a loss of Rs 72.80 lakh.

He said that 541 Primary and 25 High schools have been affected in the state which would require a 21.57 Cr estimate amount to repair. 

The rain affected the education of about 9530 boys and 9571 girls students due to the shifting and closing of several schools.

Mr Vinod Kumar alleged that three Primary Schools in his constituency were clubbed with other schools forcing students to travel two to three kilometres away from their previous closed school.

He said that a Primary School of Nachan assembly became unsafe due to a landslide forcing students to enter the school through a window of the unsafe school.

Minister assured the members that the government would order to seek report about such schools however state government could not able to repair or maintain all the schools immediately and funds could be provided in the next budget in 2024-25 as the department is facing massive devastation due to monsoon rain.

Opposition leader Jai Ram Thakur and BJP MLA Balvlir Verma said that many schools are running in delipated buildings some schools suffering due to damage and unsafe schools are running in Mahila Mandal and other places. Mr Thakur said that government should shift premises of some schools as due to landslide and caving in of retaining wall in the rain it is not feasible to continue run school in the same permises. 

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