Previous wall writing in Haroli Assembly is not being removed: Nanda

BJP media in-charge Karan Nanda said that Bharatiya Janata Party has continuously lodged a complaint with the State Election Commission about wall writing and publishing of party symbols on the walls by the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister of Congress for campaigning in the run up to the Assembly elections 2022. Our advocates Anshul Bansal and Vivek Sharma are in constant touch with the Commission on this matter. But till now the State Election Commission has not taken any action, we have continuously written letters to the Commission and also filed complaints.

He said that a video has also been shared by the BJP, in which it is clearly visible that in the Haroli assembly constituency of Una, which is the assembly constituency of the Deputy Chief Minister, wall writing has been done at many places in which it is written, “Say from the heart, Mukesh Agnihotri. Again.” Also the election symbol of Congress has also been used, this publication is making 100% difference to the current Lok Sabha elections because this writing has been done in large numbers. We request the State Election Commission and the Congress Party to remove these wall writings from Haroli and follow the code of conduct. Because due to the code of conduct, if any kind of propaganda has been done by any political party in the past, then it is mandatory to remove it.

The Election Commission is an impartial government institution from which we expect justice.

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