Political turmoil broke out on CM’s statement

Political uproar caused by the remarks made by Chief Minister Sh. Jairam Thakur at the Seepur fair of Mashobra. The CM noted that the MLA of Kasumpati Vidhan Sabha constituency, Sh. Anirudh Singh had never reached out to him for the development of the area due to which it seemed that there was no need for development in Kasumpati.
BJP Mandal President Jitendra Bhotka said that for the last 20 years, Congress has been kept the people in the state of confusion. If Congress had acted, the Kasumpti constituency could have become a model of development. He alleged that the Congress party had perpetuated false propaganda among the innocent people of Kasumpti area, which people had understood very well. He said that the people of Kasumpti will give their answer in the coming assembly elections.
On the other hand, in a statement issued by the State President of Kisan Sabha, Dr. Kuldip Tanwar, it has been stated that Kasumpti constituency has been pushed to backwardness in terms of development. Dr. Tanwar expressed surprise that about 200 roads in Kasumpti constituency were lying incomplete due to non-acceptance of Forest Conservation Act (FCA) applications, while CPI(M) MLA from Theog had got 117 FCA cases cleared during his tenure. Told that the condition of the health sector is that there is no 108 ambulance facility in any health institute in Kasumpti district. He also expressed concern that due to lack of staff there are no free lab tests in any hospital in the constituency, due to which people are not getting the benefit of free health services offered by the government. The condition of roads is very pathetic. The only degree college Koti of Kusmpati constituency is running in the primary school building for the last eight years. Science subjects are not taught in any school in the area due to lack of facilities.
Ramkrishna Shandil, President of Kasumpti Congress Mandal, while releasing the photo of the MLA with the CM, said that perhaps there is memory loss of the CM .

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