Patients suffering from hemophilia should get timely treatment – CMO Rakesh Pratap

 Courtesy of Health and Family Welfare Department, Shimla, World Haemophilia Day was organized at Saraswati Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School, Vikas Nagar on Friday. Presiding over the program, Chief Medical Officer Shimla Dr. Rakesh Pratap said that this year the theme of World Haemophilia Day has been equal access to all and recognition of blood-related disorders. He said that hemophilia is a genetic blood disorder that is transferred from parents to children. In this disease, blood keeps flowing due to injury. Told that hemophilia occurs due to the absence of clotting factors in the blood.
Explaining in detail about the symptoms of hemophilia, the CMO said that due to any kind of wound on the body, cut, animal bite, or bleeding from the teeth, there is excessive bleeding from the body and frequent bleeding from the nose, internal bleeding causes large rashes on the skin. Its main symptoms are large dark blue marks. He said that bleeding can also occur inside the elbow and knee due to which they become swollen and feel hot when touched. Hemophilia patients suffer from headaches, vomiting, or seizures due to internal bleeding in the brain. He urged the school children to inform the people in their homes and surrounding areas about the symptoms of hemophilia and if symptoms of hemophilia are found in any person, then in such a situation, get the patient examined at the nearest health center. On this occasion, Medical Officer Dr. Oshin and Health Teacher Sanjana Dafraik also gave detailed information about Hemophilia disease to the children and the people present.

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