No one can become a master tailor with just one month of training : Pritam Thakur

People have requested to extend the duration of the sewing center run for women by UCO RSETI in Gram Panchayat Peeran of Mashobra Block by three months. People of Peeran Panchayat say that one month is too short to learn sewing work in which women can only acquire basic knowledge of tailoring but cannot become self-reliant through this work. People say that if the state government wants to make women self-reliant then the duration of this program should be extended otherwise this training work will remain a mere formality.
It is worth noting that a sewing centre for women has been opened recently with the help of UCO RSETI Shimla and Rural Development Ministry, in which 35 women of Peeran Panchayat are getting training in sewing. There is no provision of weekly leave for women in this crèche. UCO RSETI has kept only four sewing machines to give training in sewing to 35 women, which is insufficient.
On the other hand, District Shimla BJP former member Pritam Thakur said that this is a very good program to train women at the rural level but the experts who made this program did not seriously think about the fact that no one can become a tailor in one month. He says that even in ITI, a period of one year has been fixed for training in sewing. Pritam Thakur said that the government should reconsider this program and the period of sewing training program should be at least three months so that women can easily do small sewing work at home. Pradhan Bimla Verma of Gram Sangathan Peeran also said that her organization has also demanded from the government to make the training period three months.
When UCO ARSETI Director Tanya Sharma was talked to on this issue, she said that this is a program of the Rural Development Ministry of the Government of India and no change can be made in this program at her level.

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