No end of BJP defeat trail in Himachal Bye elections : brainstorming session to balm the wounds

The ruling BJP having no end of defeat in the state elections for the last three years is likely putting the balm on the wounds in ongoing three days brainstorming sessions started here today 
The moot question before the party, if it could address the party decline in coming days the party senior leaders have managed party past elections told UNI on the condition of anonymity answer is no since it would continue on the decline phase in the party trial of defeat since the last three or four elections.
Damage has been caused beyond control as present party leadership or socalledexecutive committee seemed to have no grip on the real issues expected to be figured out in the party brainstorming session as they seemed to not analyse all sincerely.
The party seemed to be on the verge of defeat not only due to lack of effective strategies ofopposition but party is facing defeat in hand of its own leaders who have no choice except to remain silent spectators or dance on the tunes of inexperienced party leadership.
The party vice president Kirpal Parmar decided to quit the post just a day after the headof party brainstorming session could not reconcile with the party affairs, moreover the visionary leaders are  being pushed to aside moreover feeling tortured for being blamedplaying as defectors.
Those on the helm of affaris seemed to not read between the lines and the fate of party is inevitable and could not be expected to changed to any level of deliberation as party leader running the government and organisations are unaware of what isgoing on in the mind of people and why.
The fault lines that emerged in the party after drubbing are not confined to the divisionof party leaders and workers along the clouts but big leaders are being sidelines.The brainstorming session is nothing expect scratching each other back and blame each other in veiled way.
Party election manager said that leaders did not want to learn fromits defeat and trying to undermine the level of defeat. It is not the loss of party in the recent  assembly and parliamentary bye elections but Jai Ram Government is on defeat trail in last four elections being held in the gap of three years baring general and assembly bye election in 2019.
The State party which claimed in the ruling could not save the security of its candidates may have been historic in the election history of the state however candidates of parties keep on losing their security deposits.
He questioned that leadership of party if it could have faculty to analyse the level of defeat honestly.
” A clipping is making comment on the party leaders making round in the social media that party leadership who could not manage more than 2400 votes to party candidate despite being in the power at state and center are allowed toanalyse the fall out of defeat.” he said.

The concrete situation before the party on the downfall seemed to be not clear as self obsessed party leader are not ready to understand the enormity of party defeat. 
BJP lost Panchayati Raj Institutions and PRIs bye elections, recent urban bodies and Municipal Corporations elections, Assembly and Parliamentaryelections.
Does party’s claim that it won most of Pradhan, Upradhan, Block Samiti and Zilaparishad seats in the PRI polls is fact ? . Out of 3234 Gram Panchayat Pradan and Uppradhan party could notclaimed victorious on most of seats as number of Congress candidate are not elected at the sametime, party leader put question marks.
There are around 72 block Smaiti in the state having around 1690 wards party could make theBlock samiti chairman and vice chairman in half number of block, There are around 251 Zila Parishad ward, BJP could not claimed to win elections by its own in all the Zila Parishad as Shimla and Kinnuarand number of district party did not have its own Zila Parishad and many wards are with oppositions.
In recent bye election held in PRIs it lost all the four ZP seat in the tribal districts and bye elections of Pardhan and Uppardhan. Party carved out three new MC after relaxing the eligibility criteriaof population and economic viability. The election held in four MC in April this year to as many as 62 wards for Dharmshala, Solan, Mandi, Palampur party could win only win 27 wards despite being in power.
It have to muster majority of two Councillor in Dharmshala MC as out of 17 wards BJP could wineight seat, Similarly BJP being in power lost Solan and Palampur MC poll to Congress which won the both MC by formidable majority. Palampur is home town of BJP stalwart Shanta Kumar the party seemed to be craved out the MC in Palampur however ruling party was backfired by the people despite town being historic bastion of ruling party.
The BJP also handed over the leadership of Solan MC election to Rajiv Bindal but could not retain the MC despite the party being in power in the last Municipal Committee previously. The party election strategy also was faulty and learned nothing from recent two defeat as it also 
lost miserably in Assembly bye election for Jubbal Kotkhai.
Jubbal Kotkhai assemly bye poll is not merely defeat of party but complete decline of party to zero due to flamboyant leadership given guardto run the affairs has  no contact with the masses. 
Mr Bragta succeed to wrestled the Jubbal Kotkahi assembly from long or all time Congress bastion however now ruling party owing to the self personified leaders who did not know ABC of politics are running the world biggest political outfits in thestate, the party leader lament.
The BJP which lost the Solan MC election under the leadership of Rajiv Bindal trustedhim by making him campaign leader mistaken as it lost Arki Assembly bye election dashing the brighter expectation of party. Despite party addressed the factions but it could not manage to win in Arki as Congress have no sympathy wave to the candidates.
Fatehpur BJP have only chance in many years to retain the seat could not analysed the issue of farmers agitation and procurement of paddy in dozens of Gram Panchayat the partycandidates have to face the wrath of farmers. 
The Party now trying to push the burden on Kripal Parmar the defeated candidates of previous assembly poll forced to quit the party just before the brainstorming session. 
In the Mandi Parliamentary seat BJP won 2019 general election by margin of 405459 votes and could only manage the lead in eight assembly segments for the party in 2021 compared to Congress candidate Pratibha Singh who got the lead in nine assembly elections. 
No body could be blamed but party did not want to learn anything from its past experiences.The issues before the people in the state could not be undermined vis-a-vis the party under cutting. 
The price rise, unemployment, undermining the mascot leaders and visionary leader in theparty decisions making vis a vis flamboyant leadership and self personified people, not learning from the past experiences of party and failing of party to extend the benefits of pay commissions to the employees vis-a vis to the Punjab employees were host of issues which party could not expected to visualize in the session.
The ignorance of MLAs in the party, party workers and cadre today lost the mass contact of the ruling party  on the ground. The party  have nothing to offer to the people seemed to made deliberate attempt to create the Dalit Ayog to divide on people on the caste lines. This was given birth to a new movement of Swaron Ayog. The party relied upon the mantra of polarization on the religious line having negligible minority to experiment in the state having nearly hundred percent literacy and educatedsociety, he added.

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