Neurosurgery facilities are being strengthened in the state :Dr Janak Raj 

The Perimer Health Institution of Himachal Pradesh, Indira Gandhi Medical College Hospital is providing neurosurgery facilities after as currently five posts of neurosurgeons have been created in the largest medical college. Talking to UNI Dr Janak Raj Professor and Head Department in IGMC said that five neurosurgeons are available are Dr. Janak Raj and Head of Department, Dr. Gyan Chand, Dr. Vineet, Dr. Viplav and  Dr. Akshit (all Assistant professoris)  .  Apart from this, postgraduate training is also available in the Department of Neurosurgery in IGMC from the year 2021.  At present Neurosurgery department also have two trainee doctors studying neurosurgery as Dr. Vikram is studying second year M.H. Neurosurgery Dr. Neeti Modi is getting first year training of M.C.H.  At present, three neurosurgeons are working in Tanda, the second largest medical college of the state, Dr. Amit Joshi professor and Head of Department, Dr. Mukesh Sharma, Assistant Professor Dr. Sharish Nalin is working as Assistant professor.  A few years ago, many people had to suffer for head or spinal cord injuries and other diseases, many times they had to go out of the state for treatment however after strengthen the department patients are being provided neurosurgery services in the state and patients do not have to go outside the state for treatment.  Apart from this, three neurosurgeons are also working in the private sector in Himachal. The roll of Neurosurgery is very essential in the hill state keeping high flow of road Accident patients in the Truma units of Hospital. Many disease neurosurgeries are being performed with great success and precision keeping training staff and increasing availability of life saving infrastructure, he added

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