Liquor will be sold till 1 am, Satti expressed anger

 Former BJP State President and MLA Satpal Satti said that the present Congress government is promoting liquor only in Himachal Pradesh. Not one or many examples of this have come in front of the public, earlier the way the contracts were auctioned, the number of liquor increased in Himachal Pradesh and after that, now liquor will be sold in bars and restaurants till 1 o’clock in the night .

The Congress party had said that it will give 5 lakh jobs to the youth in Himachal and will give jobs for one year every year, now the jobs seem to be rounding up. But now they are encouraging the youth to drink alcohol, if bar restaurants will sell liquor till 1 am and the government will allow it, then you can guess what kind of environment will be there in Himachal Pradesh after that. Youth will get drunk, women will feel insecure, crime will increase and late night street fights will increase.

He said that the present Congress government is anti-people and such decisions cannot be taken in the public interest at all.
Even before today, many types of delegations had come to the BJP government with this demand, but the BJP government never encouraged it. Even today we say that the bars and restaurants where liquor is sold should be closed at 10 pm and should not remain open after that.

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