Liquor shops should be closed on festivals, govt has failed in drug smuggling, now law and order has also failed: BJP

Bharatiya Janata Party state vice president Rashmi Dhar Sood and state spokesperson Vivek Sharma said in a joint statement.

Dussehra, the festival of victory of good over evil, has brought a dark night in the Devbhoomi which has put the Devbhoomi to shame. In the Chail area of ​​district Solan, an immigrant woman was going towards the village with her husband after visiting the Dussehra fair. In the same forest, a case of gang-rape of her husband by tying her with woman’s clothes was reported by four people. The next day, after the intervention of the local villagers, the matter reached the police post, the accused were arrested and the police handed them over to the court, but this incident has also put the law and order situation of the state in the dock. It is very unfortunate that such incidents come from tourist places. When will the blind Sukhu government wake up? The state had not yet forgotten the Gudiya incident. This shameful incident has made the state bow its head. After all, why such incidents happen during the tenure of Congress is a big question in itself. The Chief Minister himself should come among the public and give an explanation and on the basis of morality, the District Minister Dhaniram Shandil should resign with immediate effect. The unfortunate minister is engrossed in dramas and law and order is breaking down.

This is the second incident in the last one week. Earlier, a similar incident had happened in Baddi also. Bharatiya Janata Party appeals to the state government that liquor shops should be closed on all festival days like 26th January, 15th August and 2nd October, so that the honor of the sisters and daughters of our country remains safe from drunken criminals.

And this special power is under the jurisdiction of the state government.

It is the responsibility of the state government to keep women safe in fairs and cultures and the government is failing in this. BJP launched a strong attack and said that the law and order situation is deteriorating in the last 10 months. The government should immediately call a special session of the Legislative Assembly and give an explanation, otherwise the Governor should immediately intervene and take cognizance.

Bharatiya Janata Party strongly condemns the criminal incidents in the state. She warns the Chief Minister that if clarification does not come immediately. So we will move towards a bigger movement.

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