Lifting RT-PCR test on the entry in HP a recipe for disaster

Demanding more RT PCR test in Himachal petitioner started before the Himachal Pradesh High court that lifting of RT PCR test condition on the entery of outsiders into state could be recipe for disaster.
Division bench comprising of Chief Justice Mr Narayana Swamy and  Justice Mr Anoop Chitkara was  hearing a PIL petition regarding the Covid pandemic on Wednesday.

The counsel for the petitioner Ms Vandhana Mishra told our reporter that in the hearing of Ashutosh Gupta versus state case before the Himachal High court she pleaded that lifting RT-PCR test on the entry of people outside the state could lead to be disasterous consequences.

During the hearing the petitioner pointed out that despite the court order to increase the Covid testing from 20,000 to 30,000 per day the state Government did not increase the tests. They argued before the court that State should not lift the condition of RT PCR negative test as it could be recipe for the disaster.
On their plea Court asked the state to file the reply on next hearing why it waived off the condition of RT-PCR negative test report on the entry of tourists entering in the state after Jun 14.

The petitioner  pointed out that instead of  increase the  Covid testing the state have given relaxation the condition of compulsory RT-PCR testing for those who are entering in the state.
The Court has asked the state to explain why it was not increase Covid testing and waived off the negative RT-PCR testing report to the tourists.
The Counsel for the state demanded time to file the reply and the Court fixed this case for filing of reply by the respondent on Jun 21. 
While hearing this PIL on May 29 High court has stated that testing of Covid should be increased from 20 to 30 thousand on the war footing to tackle the pandemic.  The court has observed that the RT PCR tests are not being conducted on the war footing .
The PIL was taken on court’s own motion over death of number of people due to insufficient ICUs , Oxygenated bed. The petitioner Ashutosh Gupta pointed out before the court that patients died in want of Oxygen or ICU beds in Sirmour district recently

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