Law and order situation in the state is poor, cases of crimes against women are increasing: Dr. Seema Thakur

The law and order situation of the state is much worse under Sukh’s government. While addressing the press conference in Shimla, Bharatiya Janata Party Mahila Morcha Vice President Dr. Seema Thakur said that the condition of women of the state is bad under the present government of Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu. He said that a case of rape of a minor 9-year-old girl by a temple guard in Chamba has come to light, an incident that puts humanity to shame has come to light from Hamirpur, the home district of Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu. Here in Bhoranj area, the woman’s hair was cut, her face was blackened and she was paraded in the entire area. Manohar murder case of Chamba, Himachal: A young man went missing, later when the police patrol was patrolling the area, they found the dead body of the young man in a sack under the stones in the drain. But the administration did not provide justice to his family.

He said that recently a sensational case came to light in which a young man attacked a girl with a sharp weapon in broad daylight at the Palampur bus stand in Kangra, Himachal on Saturday. The young man attacked the girl 10 times one after the other with the sword. Women oppression has taken such a big form in Himachal that women do not feel safe neither during the day nor at night.

He said that corruption, murder and rape have become rampant in the state during the tenure of the Congress government. A case of murder of a 50-year-old woman has come to light in Gadiyada Panchayat under Bhawarna police station of Kangra district. The woman’s body was found in a suspicious condition on the roadside. The deceased woman had marks of attack with a sharp weapon on her neck and other places. The murder of a 50-year-old woman, which took place in Gram Panchayat Gadiyada of Sulah Assembly, has been done by slitting her throat with a paper cutter. This suspicion was established by the police and forensic team from the blood-stained paper cutter found at the spot. The condition of women has become pathetic. He said what kind of atrocities is this where women are not safe in Himachal Pradesh.

He said that a young man working in a restaurant in front of the police reporting room on Mall Road in Shimla was murdered with a machete and the police administration remained asleep. This is happening in Himachal Pradesh during the present government of the state where youth, women and other sections are also not safe.

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