Lack of snowfall affecting tourist inflow to Shimla

Himachal Pradesh state capital Shimla always remained on international tourists maps witnessing around 50 lakh Tourist and state government guests and dignitaries slowly facing flights of tourists to other Tourist destination. Hotel and hospitality units facing the burnt of apathy of nature forced to explore recreational activities to increase the footfall and also prolonged the duration of stays of high-end Tourists. Towns normally had three to four spells of Snowfall from Mid of December to March . It already became heat island thanks to concretization and supper iron structure  as maximum temperature already staying 22 to 23 degrees. Increasing commercial construction and funding by foreign Institutions also helped the civic bodies to continue the unregulated construction which often breaching the norms. Manali and Shimla compete in flow of tourist in the state. Shimla visited by  around 33.18 lac Tourist in 2017. However increasing fear of Covid and pleasant weather In 2018 this number came down to 28.72 lac visitors. Followed by a slightly improved 2019, with 30.30 lac visitors. However the lockdown period 2020-21 saw the drastic fall like everywhere. In first year it was 5.99 lac (fall of 81%) and in 2021, around 9.51 lac (fall of 73%). Though the data of number of visitors of previous years displays a steady incline since 2008 but a deeper look into it displays that since 2011 till 2021. The  graph of visitors has been ranging between 28 lac to 35lac visitors. Neither has it gone up from here, not has it stepped down.  In a bid to increase the stay of a visitor in Shimla, the tourism industry stakeholders of the city have decided to explore the potential of event based activities.  “The weekend tourism coupled with tourist friendly events will play a vital role in the occupancy of hotels and revival of other stake holders,” they stated in media communique.  Mohinder Seth, President of the association informed that the weekend tourists mostly come from nearby states of Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Chandigarh UP, Uttarakhand and Jammu and Kashmir.  These visitors need experiential tourism so that they can stay longer.  Adding, “Therefore, there is a need to create activity based attractions for the week enders.” Event based tourism will not only increase the stay of tourists which has decreased to one night stay, but will also bring meaningful opportunities to all those  who are involved in the adventure and tourism sector in and around Shimla, they added. He informed that as pilot project are planning to host ‘Shimla paragliding festival. He said that the paragliding company at Junga has offered to organize the same.  The Youth and sports department will also be involved for successful organizing of event.  

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