Labor Day is celebrated amidst calls for solidarity & resistance against anti-labor policies

Amidst a backdrop of camaraderie and determination, Labor Day was commemorated with fervor at the CITU District Office Mandi in Himachal Pradesh on Wednesday.

 Representatives from various labor unions, including the Rehdi-Fahdi Union, Fourlane, and HPMRA, convened to honor the legacy of the labor movement and voice their concerns regarding contemporary challenges. 

District General Secretary Rajesh Sharma, along with other prominent leaders, articulated the urgent need to address the erosion of labor rights under the current administration and reaffirmed their commitment to collective action.

Against the backdrop of spirited speeches and impassioned calls to action, District General Secretary Rajesh Sharma, HPMRA(HP Medical Representatives Association )State Secretary Jagdish Thakur, and Naujwan Sabha State President Suresh Sarwal articulated a resounding message of defiance against the encroachments on labor rights by the current government.

 They emphasized the significance of commemorating the martyrs of Chicago while highlighting the insidious erosion of labor protections through the amendment of 44 labor laws into four labor codes.

Central to the discourse was the condemnation of government policies that threaten to exacerbate worker exploitation, unemployment, and inflation.

 The speakers warned against the insidious trend towards the commodification of labor and the relegation of workers to the status of bonded laborers. They decried the failure of the government to provide relief to the populace amidst economic hardships.

In a unified declaration of intent, the release of the workers’ manifesto symbolized a collective resolve to intensify the struggle for labor rights. 

The manifesto encompassed a spectrum of demands, including the revocation of labor codes, ensuring a minimum support price for farmers, equal pay for equal work, and the protection of scheme workers’ rights.

Furthermore, the participants vowed to oppose privatization efforts and advocate for the implementation of robust legislative measures, such as pension facilities for all workers and the enforcement of the Street Vendor Act. 

Emphasizing the imperative of solidarity, all workers’ unions pledged to unite in a concerted effort to oust the purportedly anti-labor government.

The event concluded with a fervent call to arms, echoing the sentiment that the path forward necessitates unwavering unity and resilience in the face of adversity. 

As the echoes of speeches faded into the ether, the resolve to reclaim and safeguard labor rights reverberated throughout the gathering, underscoring the indomitable spirit of the labor movement.

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