Junga school children took out a rally on Environment Day

 Government Adarsh ​​Senior Secondary School, Junga, took out a rally in Junga market on World Environment Day and made people aware by raising slogans of trees, water and air, precious medicine to live life. In which around 250 children including NSS participated. After that, a program was organized in the school premises in which children of different classes presented their views on Environment Day. The program was presided over by Principal Suman Chandel. He advised the children not to use plastic. Program officers Ramlal Lodhata and Maina Chauhan also presented their views on this occasion.
Similarly, on the occasion of World Environment Day, the children of Keonthal Convent School, Junga took out a rally in Junga market and gave the message of environmental protection to the people. Speech and slogan writing competitions were organized on this occasion. Class X student Pragati got first and Navni second position in speech competition and class X student Arun got first and Lavanish second position in slogan writing competition. The program was presided over by Principal Mahendra Kumar.

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