Jobs on the compassionate ground:  HP constitue panel to probe discripencies in appointment

Himachal government constituted a panel today to probe the discripencies in the appointment done by previous BJP government on the compassionate ground. The Personnel Department has issued a notification here today to constitue three members  panel comprised of one chairman and two  members.   The panel would look into the recruitments done through the commission so that there is transparency and equity in provision of jobs. Currently 3,413 cases of  compassionate grounds are pending in the state. Affected by the policies of previous Govt dependent of deceased Employees who died during govt service are agitating since last one year under the banner of Karunamulak Sangh  in Shimla. Affected family members are seeking provision of jobs in  the government sector without any delay. Keeping in view their movement, the former BJP government had decided to provide an opportunity to the youth to apply for unadvertised posts in class IV however  it has removed the condition of 5 percent reservation fixed regarding the rules of recruitment on compassionate grounds. 

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