Jai Ram’s dream of forming BJP Govt in Himachal will never be realised: Anirudh

Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Minister Anirudh Singh stated that the present Congress government, led by Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, would complete its full five-year term. He remarked that opposition leader Jai Ram Thakur is daydreaming and the BJP keeps using people with false promises about forming a government.

Anirudh Singh mentioned that the voters of Himachal Pradesh gave a clear mandate to the Congress to complete its five years tenure and that the Congress government has emerged more strong after bye-poll increasing the strength of its MLA’s from 34 to 38. He said that the voters have rejected BJP’s attempts at horse-trading.

He added that in other states as well, the BJP has faced setbacks for trying to destabilise the democratically elected governments using money power. He said that voters nationwide did not support the BJP’s unethical tactics and urged the BJP to learn lessons from the decreasing popularity of BJP at National level.

The Minister pointed out that Jai Ram Thakur’s claims of forming BJP’s government on 4th June have failed, and now even BJP leaders are questioning his decisions in public. He advised Jai Ram Thakur to stop worrying about the Congress government and focus on his own position. He also mentioned that the BJP’s slogan of winning over 400 seats has been shown dust by the people of the country. It indicates that people are disillusioned with the BJP and even their own allies in the NDA were casting aspersion on the modus operandi of the BJP central leadership.

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