Jai Ram Thakur amid thick controversy

Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur who succeeded to complete three and half years in the power unblemished currently is in thick controversy.
The image dent beyond control as a loose cannon cabinet member & two cops brawl in the full public glare recently.
Mr Jai Ram Thakur’s senior rank cabinet member Mahinder Singh Thakur public resolve to discriminate the commrade and not do any work on their behest not only public disobey of Oath taking during taking over as minister but showing disregard to constitution of India.
His second outburst during recently convened council of ministers meeting show autocratic attitude in the eyes of public. Mr Thakur was had a spat with state chief secretary Mr Anil Khachi who is considered as efficient and experienced bureaucrats having excellent track record as public servent.
Senior Advocate of Himachal Pradesh High court I D Bali termed the two incidents occurred in Span of a week Shocking.
He wrote in his Facebook page that two Incidents  in the recent past have stunned and made him speechless. 
” One incident  is  when   a  cabinet  Minister   quarreled with  the Chief  Secretary  of the State .”
  ”  Second  incident  is  when  the  police officer posted  in the  security of the  chief Minister  beats  the  S. P. Kullu, ” he pointed out.
   Since council of ministers also known as state cabinet  is the government itself and  competent  to issue  directions  to the  machinery  of the  government  then why to quarrel in this way, Advocate Bali asked.
He further goes on stating that such things did not happen in the  past.
” India  is Democratic  State .No functionary, no Minister  have  Autocratic  authority  . The Ministers are  servants of people.  Moreover  there  was  no occasion to  this  like situation” Mr Bali  asserted.
Senior advocate also nit minced words praising Mr Khachi. He said  CS is highly  cultured and a  gentleman,  experienced and competent,  honest and compassionate. 
Raising questions mark over losing cool by the Minister   with such long experience  on the  other side Mr Bali tried to put blame on the credibility of this government.

Second  painful incident occurred on Wednesday in which SP  was beaten  by  security  personnel  of the   Chief  Minister indeed disheartened the trust of people on the government, he added.

CPI(M) Member of Assembly from Theog Mr Rakesh Singha said that statement of minister is against the Oath he took under the constitution in which he couldn’t discriminate anyone in the public office.
He warned that if minister would show this discrimination which he stated in his Political statement made it would be given befitting reply by the party despite its party limited influence in state politics.
It is worthwhile to mention that two incidents varies over response of government to restore the eroded faith of the people.
Three police officer who was found involved in the brawling were sent on forced leave however minister still enjoy the Political immunity as the public statement of ministers and alleged quarrel with CS in the cabinet meeting is deliberately ignored by the Chief minister feigning ignorance .
Mr Thakur himself is considered honest and a gentle man could not expected to burry the deliberate public incident to preserve the image of government as it would project him a warm public leader.
Party wanted to project him as CM candidate for another term likely to hit the move if he did not break silence.
State Government image is in full public glare after some shortcomings in handling Covid pandemic in the second wave however the such type of incidents also eroded faith of people in the state government

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