HP government to expedite work of Degree College in Arki Assembly

The Himachal Pradesh Government said in Vidhan sabha today that works to build new Complex and building of Government Degree College Jayanagar and Darlaghat would be expedited and more funds would be provided to the Public Work Department of Arki division for this purpose.

Education Minister Mr Govind Thakur said during the question hour that Rs five Crore was allotted to both colleges. The Public Works Department division has sent the case for Forest clearance to construct the new complex on 35.6 bigha land which was uploaded for sanction for union forest, environment and climate change ministry. Funds would be transferred to the Department after transfer of land, the minister added.

He said that Rs 2.26 Cr was already allotted to PWD Arki subdivision and land for development of the complex has been already transferred. The Minister assured the Member to order the department to start construction of a new building for Degree College Darlaghat soon and more funds would be provided to the college. Minister said that both the colleges running in private buildings would be provided with sanitation and toilet services to facilitate the students.

Earlier, raising the first query as Member of Arki Assembly Sanjay Awasthi said that building should be constructed for both the colleges as these were running in private premises for many years and students and staff were without toilet facilities so far.

Replying to a query of Vishal Nehriya ,the  Food and Civil Supply Minister Rajinder Garg informed that 72 PDS outlets were running in kiosks  and it had been  decided to close down as per the decision was taken by the corporation board of directors meeting on April 16, 2019. So far 13 outlets have been closed and rest would be closed on the priority basis. He said that the government would ensure that by closing down outlets would not deprive people of the food grains and ration.

Jagat Singh Negi of Congress raised the issue of non availability of funds under Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Guarantee scheme .

Rural Development Minister Varinder Kanwar said that the Chief minister has provided a corpse fund of Rs 100 Cr to the Department to continue the scheme and amount would be adjusted after having central grant. He said that Rs 88 Crores were transferred to the Department to clear the pending payment.

He said that as many as 2,75,413 workers have been completed so far in Last four years including 25,706 ways and 14,910 water conservation tanks have been completed under MGNREGA.

Minister said that 12,900 works were pending under the MGNREGA. The Minister said that after the formation of the Modi Government the state government has transferred the MNREGA and quality of work has been increased and 260 activities were added to the works under schemes.

Asha Kumari of Congress pointed out that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has termed the scheme as a landmark of corruption but now during Covid pandemic this scheme proved boon to people and government to help the people.

Replying to Mukesh Agnihotri, the  Minister said that the government had already ordered a probe against errant officials who failed to provide jobs to people in time and delay payment despite having sufficient funds for payment of MGNREGA workers at their disposal.

Minister said that the department achieved the target of MNREGA works and it had achieved 3.37 lakh mandays against the target of 3.30 lakh and this year 2.33 lakh mandays were completed against the target of 2.50 lakh. Minister claimed that in the very first year of coming into  power , the government achieved 2.80 lakh Mandays against a target of 2.70 lakh.

Health Minister Rajiv Sehjal said that works of Installation of CT scan in Regional Hospital Bilaspur would be completed within one month as work to civil works of Installation was completed by M/s Krishna Diagnostic Lokmanya Medical Hospital Pune.

During the question hours, opposition members alleged that Social welfare Minister Sarveen Chaudhary was wasting time of the august house by giving irrelevant replies to the questions. Opposition Congress leader Mukesh Agnihotri intervened when the Minister was replying to the Social welfare pension alleging that the Minister should focus on the query which was being asked by the members rather than giving irrelevant replies.

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