Himachal High Court directs MC to remove unauthorised flax hoarding, poster & Ads

Himachal Pradesh High Court directed the Shimla Municipal Corporation to remove all authorized flax hoardings, posters, and advertisements placed in public places.

In a recent decision division bench of Justice Tarlok Singh Chauhan and Justice Sushil Kukeraija ordered Commissioner Shimla to ensure immediate compliance with the court order.

HC directed the civic body that the cost of removing old hoardings should be charged along with the fine for not removing such material from public places.

The bench disposing of several public interest litigation about littering of public places and nuisance being created in the town by non-biodegradable material due to its dumping in public places said that the Chief Secretary should ensure that grade of flax and its duration of allowing to public hoardings site should be fixed accordingly to specifications so it did not cause a public nuisance.

The high court also said that all the places where residents are found dumping their solid waste garbage in non-designated places, hills, and forests should be cautioned for not littering such places, and sign boards of warning should be installed in such places.

Himachal Pradesh High Court also directed the chief secretary that all the dumping sites in the industrial area Baddi and Brotiwala should be closed down before the upcoming monsoon session and compliance with the court order should be filled forthwith this decision.

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