HGVS Observes International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Himachal Gyan Vigyan Samiti (HGVS) observed the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. The event was celebrated in various districts of the state, including the state office. Along with the Himachal Gyan Vigyan Samiti, the event saw participation from the administration, other institutions, educational establishments, health department experts, psychology specialists, and individuals working against drug abuse. The occasion featured rallies and street plays. Memorandums were presented to the administration to curb drug trafficking, and speeches and discussions were held.

State Secretary of Himachal Gyan Vigyan Samiti, Satyawan Pundeer, expressed serious concerns over the growing drug trade in the state and its increasing impact on the youth. He stated that drug abuse is spreading like an epidemic in society. If not controlled in time, it will jeopardize the existence of the next generation. A significant portion of the population has lost their reproductive capacity due to drug abuse. Youth are falling prey to death, attacking their parents and families, and even committing murders to meet their drug needs. Incidents of robbery and theft are on the rise, making it unsafe to travel at night.

Satyawan highlighted that this year’s theme for the day was “The Evidence is Clear: Invest in Prevention.” This theme underscores the seriousness of the problem. Ignoring the issue won’t diminish it; instead, it calls for a comprehensive attack. He appealed to the government to take this problem seriously and to form a joint action task force involving the administration, law enforcement, social institutions, psychologists, and others. Political willpower is crucial to eradicate this problem.

Satyawan announced that the committee would expand this campaign by collaborating with various institutions on their level. Anti-drug committees will be formed at the panchayat, ward, and village levels.

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