Himachal Governor honored kith and kins of martyrs of State

Himachal Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar called upon the people of the State to actively participate and contribute in the campaign against drug abuse. It would be the main contribution in the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.

He was speaking in a Samman Samorah organized by the Samman and Salaam Foundation at Peterhoff on Tuesday late evening. The Governor felicitated the family members of the martyrs who made the supreme sacrifice of their lives for the sake of the country. He also honored officers who have shown exceptional devotion and dedication to duty and public service during Covid pandemic.

The Governor said that if we know the source of the drug, then we should stand and raise the voice against it. Expressing concern, he said that future generations were becoming victims of drugs and they should be saved.

Shri Arlekar said that Himachal is known as Dev Bhoomi and this aspect could be seen in the people here, who have the highest feeling of hospitality and respect. He said that there was a need to present good examples in the society, for which such programs should be organized.

By honouring Veer Naaris today, a token of recognition was given to the contribution of ultimate sacrifice by the sons of the soil. It is really heartening to note that the people who otherwise are not government functionaries, also take pride in recognising the ultimate sacrifice of the heroes of Himachal Pradesh, said the Governor.

He congratulated the office bearers of Samman and Salaam Foundation for their selfless initiative in honouring the real heroes. Earlier, the President of the Foundation, Himachal Chapter Manoj Thakur welcomed the Governor and national President Vivek Kumar Jha presented the vote of thanks. The Chief Patron of Samman and Salaam Foundation, S.K. Sharma, and other prominent persons were also present on the occasion.

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