Himachal Administration should book the 4-lane construction firm for criminal offenses: CPI(M)

The state unit of CPM Mandi demanded FIR under culpable homicide against the Kiratpur-Manali four-lane company for criminal breach in the construction.

Party State committee leader Bhupinder Singh said that district administration Mandi should file a case of homicide on the company for breaching construction norms.

He said that number of lives have been lost as a stone fell on a car near Sixmile on the under-construction four-lane road from Mandi to Kullu which exposes the safety of people by the company and the district administration. 

He said that recently a 6yrs-old child died on the spot as rocks fell on the car from the hill on the four lanes while the 3yrs-old daughter along with her parents were badly injured.

 Many more such incidents have been happening here for the last few days but the road construction company and Mandi district administration have completely failed to maintain the traffic system smoothly and make the journey smooth and safe

The party demands the registration of an FIR against the construction company for the incident that took place last evening. 

He said that the company is doing the cutting at their will, in an unscientific manner.  And playing with people’s lives.  The cutting of the road has been done contrary to the rules. Due to this, the sleeping stones are falling again and again.  

The road is being closed continuously for two or two days which is troubling the people.  There is a jam for hours.  Police are not present all the time to regulate the traffic system and stop them in case of danger. 

He said that vehicular traffic should be regulated on the four lanes and the company should be allotted fix time deadline to clear the debris   He also suggested that keeping in view the structure of the hill here, a tunnel should be built here too so that it could be a permanent solution for the future as well. 

 He said that government must ensure that construction companies do not violate the construction norms for hills and water drainage and the quality of construction should also be used keeping the hill topography and geological survey in mind.

He said that NHAI has no control over the construction of highways and that compliance with the Environment assessment and Impact survey is being breached.

7 thoughts on “Himachal Administration should book the 4-lane construction firm for criminal offenses: CPI(M)

  • Rakesh Mehrotra

    The failed highways due to faulty planning , unscientific cutting and slope stabilisation , cannot be the sole responsibility of construction firm.
    Even if NHAI/ state PWD/ other govt agencies claim that these are EPC projects with little technical role of state agencies except for tendering( a false narrative for evading responsibility).
    Our citizens and elite alike want to show their agression by targetting the helpless & vulnerable.
    Even with ,a hypothetical free hand to contractor ,the State agency cannot absolve itself of awarding contract to incapable and untested for kind of project work. The ire should be directed to incompetent, unaccountable state agencies that unburden themselves from all due diligence required for fragile and challenging geographies.
    Outsourcing at every stage. The state agencies role and clearcut responsibilities need open disclosure. Indemnification , whether admissible should be stated at project stage. The mindset of colonial times- mai baap Sarkar / govt employee as lord & vendor as hapless subservient offering his head for whatever goes wrong ( no option for just survival). Why differential one sided conditions on vendor is a question civil society must ask?

    • Jagdish Verma

      What is unscientific cutting , can you give some sort of light into this ???
      You have discussed with any engineer about this or you are just throwing out the words??

      • Sorry, Bro. You are putting blind eye to open truth. Hills are expected to cut in slopes. NHAI accepted the truth that it is learning itself. IIT Kharagpur and Mandi teams constitued by the Central Government to know the truth. If it is scientific, why so much devastation.

    • Devender Mahajan

      Why not register same criminal charges against government agencies who issued completed certificate and technical no objection?

  • MS Guleria

    In our area just opposite to airport the NHAI contractor NKC constructed forelane just to given benefits to hig landlord so that their land is kept open fir market and big building as such changed the total design if road from. Jarad to Hathithan. This company has violated all norms not provided drainage due to which 35 house owners and tenants suffered severely as such sue moto action by Hon, ble High Court HP us required to be taken. No authority is coming up for penslising this co. Whose officers greased their palms and cheated the residents for their suffering s. Shame on NHAI Project Director who is spectator and not technically checked this disaster of our locality.

  • Jagdish Verma

    Ohh God , Why these people are turning to upfronting the construction companies for the breaching up the construction of roads , Bhupinder Singh is whosoever but he can relate to this if he has constructed something in his house or around his house , something will happen after heavy rain now in this case can he sue a FIR against himself or construction workers whosoever construct that thing to him?
    Also , if he is so much Nationalist or good for his state he himself can do lot of things , did he do anything personally before this ?


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