Former IAS’s son ends life after taking extreme step

Son of former IAS  Amitabh Awasthi, Mudit Awasthi (26) ended his life after taking extreme step. He was found hanging in his room in Brockhurst, Chhota Shimla on Monday. A Police officer suspects it is an incident of suicide.

The report arrived here from police control and confirmed that a 26-year-old youth ended his life after hanging to the house ceiling. The deceased is the son of Amitabh Awasthi, a native of Kangra district and retired IAS officer, who retired last year.

However, there is no official statement has been given by the police department till the filing of this report.

 The motive behind the tragic incident remains unclear, but preliminary findings hint at possible stress-related factors.

 Despite his retirement, Mr Awasthi continued to be active in public service, appointed by the government as the chairman of the Water Commission.

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