For 42 days people in Goshal village in Kullu will neither watch TV nor listen to radio as deities go on meditation

In the picturesque village of Ghoshal in Manali, a serene tradition unfolds as residents observe a 42-day period of tranquility commencing from Makar Sankranti. During this time, the villagers, including those in Kothi, Solang Palchan, Kulang, and Mazhach, eschew activities that create noise, refraining from watching TV, listening to the radio, and maintaining silence on their mobile phones to ensure undisturbed meditation for the Gods. This age-old divine practice is diligently followed, guided by the villagers’ deep sense of devotion to God. Hari Singh, a local Kardar, emphasizes the community’s commitment to divine directives.

On Makar Sankranti, the doors of Ghoshal village’s temples housing Kanchana Nag, Beas Rishi, and Gautam Rishi deities are closed, initiating a period of meditation (TAPASYA) for the Gods. A local priest describes the ritual where a paste of soil, filtered through cloth, is applied to the idols, followed by worship before closing the temple doors.

Adjacent villages also observe this spiritual pause for 42 days, impacting agricultural activities. Only upon the opening of the temple doors during the Fagli festival, accompanied by the Gods’ blessings, do agricultural activists resume their work. It is only after this sacred moment that the villagers gradually reintegrate activities like listening to the radio, watching TV, and engaging in agricultural pursuits.

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