First Voter exercises his right to franchise for 34th time

The first voter of Independent India, Shyam Saran Negi (106) who hails from the tribal district of Kinnaur in Himachal Pradesh exercised his right to franchise for the 34th time for the 14th Vidhan Sabha Elections through postal ballot at his home in Kalpa today.  He cast his vote through a postal ballot for the first time.  Born in July 1917, Sh. Negi voted for the first time in 1951 in general elections of India and has voted for sixteen times in Lok Sabha Elections. He is also a state election icon since 2014.
A teacher by profession, the centenarian has voted in every election since 1951 and has never missed an opportunity to vote.
While speaking on the occasion Sh. Negi  said that every citizen should vote for strengthening the democratic set up, “The young voters should consider their duty to vote and contribute in strengthening the Nation” , he said, adding that we should feel proud of our voting right as it helps in choosing a right representative to lead the Nation.  
District Election Officer cum Deputy Commissioner, Abid Hussain Sadiq said that a red carpet was laid to bring him to the postal booth set up in the compound of his house. Sh. Negi was brought on a red carpet till the booth where he exercised his right to franchise and soon thereafter his vote was sealed in an envelope and dropped in the ballot box, detailed Sh. Sadiq.  
Sh. Sadiq along with the returning officer cum SDM Kalpa,  Major (retd) Dr. Shashank Gupta and the other officers and officials of the district administration honoured the first voter of Independent India.  
Chief Electoral Officer, Maneesh Garg also extended his felicitation to the centenarian voter. 

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