Even after 75 years of independence, the people of Padhechi Bharandi Panchayat are deprived of road facilities: Dr Tanwar

The people of Padhechi Bharandi, a remote Gram Panchayat of Kasumpti constituency, are deprived of road facilities even after 75 years of independence. Although the road for light vehicles has been constructed with the help of people with their contribution and the cooperation of the Panchayat, people have been living in this area for years. I am eagerly waiting for the bus.
State President of Kisan Sabha, Dr. Kuldeep Tanwar shared this after listening to the problems of the people during his visit to Padhechi Bharandi Panchayat on Monday. He said that Padhechi Bharandi Panchayat was formed during the last Panchayat elections but after the formation of the new Panchayat, the ray of development work has not reached this area. He said that there are hard-working farmers in Padhechi Bharandi Panchayat but wild boars destroy all the crops of the farmers. Apart from this, there is a huge shortage of teachers in the schools of this panchayat. Even before this, people had to work hard to fill the posts of teachers. He has demanded from the government that a bus road be constructed in Padhechi Bharandi Panchayat so that people can transport their cash crops to the mandis at low fares by bus. He said that 20 members from this Panchayat will participate in the Bharat Bandh to be held on 16th February.
Dr. Tanwar said that despite continuous representation of Congress in the government for the last 22 years in the Kasupanti constituency, this assembly constituency is lagging in terms of development. Out of 24 senior secondary schools in Kasupanti Vis, science subjects are taught in only four schools, due to which most of the children of this constituency are deprived of studying science. Only children from well-off families go to Solan and Shimla to study science subjects. Due to the lack of staff and facilities in the health institutions of this assembly constituency, people have to go to Shimla or Solan for treatment.

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