Employee’s interests are protected only in the Congress government

Chief Parliamentary Secretary Ashish Butel and Deputy Chief Whip Kewal Singh Pathania said that the present Congress government is an employee-friendly government.

In a joint statement, they said that in the very first cabinet meeting, the state government, fulfilling its election guarantee, restored the old pension scheme for 1.36 lakh government employees and implemented it in its old form. 

“Himachal Pradesh is the first state in the country to do so under the leadership of Chief Minister Thakur Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu. ” Party MLAs claimed.

They cautioned the state employees soon after winning elections in Rajasthan by the  BJP OPS  implemented by the previous Congress government was decided to discontinue.

Congress leaders said that the interests of government employees are safe only during the tenure of the Congress government.

” Central Government has imposed many restrictions on the state for opting  OPS as financial assistance received from the Center has been reduced. Central Government is also sitting state employees dues tune to Rs 10 thousand crores of NPS.

Butail and Pathania said that during the previous BJP rule, employees were beaten with sticks when they made demands of OPS. 

Protesting employees were dispersed with water cannons and jokingly challenged to contest elections.

Duo stated that employees have struggled for a long time for the OPS and the present government has fulfilled their demand.

The transition of power and formation of Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu helped the employees to secure their old age without any political reason.

Government employees have contributed to the development of the state throughout their lives and new dimensions of progress have been established due to their hard work. Therefore, it is important to have their social security through old pension, they stressed.

Mr Butail and Pathaina said that in the tenure of only one and a quarter years, the present state government has issued dearness allowance to the employees first three percent and now four percent.

Two cautioned the employees that the rebels Congress disqualified MLAs and Independent are again standing with the anti-employee BJP and are contesting the by-elections on BJP ticket. 

They said that BJP is trying to impose bye poll and poll on the people of the state which is not in the interest of this state.

The former BJP government misused public money, due to which Himachal Pradesh has a debt of more than Rs 75 thousand crores and the economic condition of the state is not good. 

Accusing the BJP of a hindrance in the way of providing financial benefits to employees Congress leaders said that the Politics of BJP is detrimental to the interest of the state.

Instead of extending a hand to improve the economic situation of the state asking the center to provide liberal financial assistance to Himachal, BJP, and rebels are dragging the state into an inevitable financial mess, they added.

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