Due to Congress government, Center did not provide help to Himachal in the disaster: Priyanka

Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi held public meetings in Kullu and Mandi in favor of party candidate Vikramaditya Singh and campaigned vigorously. He also organized a road show, in which people participated in large numbers.
Priyanka Gandhi said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi calls Himachal Pradesh his home, but when disaster struck the state, he did not come to Himachal Pradesh even once and the Center did not give even a single penny to the disaster affected people. He said that the Central Government provides help only where there are BJP governments and because of the Congress Party government in Himachal Pradesh, the Central Government did not send even a single rupee of help. He said that I am proud that the entire Congress government and Chief Minister Thakur Sukhwinder Singh stood with the people of Himachal Pradesh in the Sukhu disaster and helped the affected. He said that service is the ideology of the Congress Party and the people of Himachal Pradesh know who stood with them in times of crisis.
Priyanka Gandhi said that BJP has tried to topple the honest government elected by the honest people of the state by buying the MLAs as part of a conspiracy, but in democracy the people are supreme. He said that in 10 years BJP became the richest party in the world because donations were collected through raids. BJP took a donation of Rs 52 crore from the same company whose vaccine is causing deaths. In Gujarat, the BJP took donations from the company whose bridge collapsed and stopped the raids by taking donations from those it raided. He said that Congress candidate from Mandi Lok Sabha constituency Vikramaditya Singh never stepped back to serve the party, unlike what the BJP candidate is saying about her own party workers. He appealed to everyone to make Vikramaditya Singh victorious with huge votes and said that by becoming an MP, he will fulfill his responsibility with full devotion.
The Congress General Secretary said that the Congress governments promoted tourism in the state, due to which small businesses flourished. But the policies of Modi government are to crush small and medium industries. First, instead of providing relief to the tourism industry after demonetisation and Covid, the Modi government imposed GST, due to which the tourism industry has suffered losses. He said that tourism industry provides employment to many people in Himachal Pradesh and after the formation of Congress government at the Centre, policies will be made to promote tourism.

The Congress General Secretary said that in the last ten years, the Modi government made policies only to please its billionaire friends. The central government does not have money to give old pension to the employees, whereas they have waived off loans worth Rs 16 lakh crore to industrialists and the country’s resources are being handed over to them. The Prime Minister has handed over the cold stores of apples to his industrialist friends, who are controlling the prices of apples, due to which apple growers are not getting fair prices for apples. Along with this, import duty on apples was reduced, due to which apple growers suffered losses. Congress remained in power for 55 years, but never compromised with the interests of the public. He said that due to the wrong policies of the Central Government, inflation and unemployment have increased and today 70 crore youth are unemployed. The result of these wrong policies is the Agniveer Yojana, in which the youth become unemployed after four years, they do not get pension and they are not even given any financial help on martyrdom. He said that the Agniveer scheme will be canceled as soon as the Congress government is formed at the Centre. He said that it was the Congress government which had given the One Rank One Pension Scheme.

Priyanka Gandhi said that after the formation of Congress government at the Centre, women will be given Rs 8500 per month and Rs 1 lakh in a year. 30 lakh vacant posts in the government sector will be filled and 50 percent reservation will be given to women. The honorarium of Anganwadi and Asha workers will be doubled and farmers will be given the right to a legal guarantee of minimum support price. Apart from this, compensation will be provided within 30 days in case of loss to farmers’ crops, a commission will be formed for loan waiver of farmers and CST on agricultural equipment will be abolished. Will provide 30 lakh jobs in the government sector and increase the daily wage of MNREGA to Rs 400. He said that after coming to power, the Congress government will provide free health insurance of Rs 25 lakh across the country on the lines of Rajasthan. MNREGA will also be implemented in urban areas and apprenticeship program will be implemented for graduate youth, under which they will be provided an allowance of Rs 8500 per month.

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