Dr Tanwar spoke about the challenges faced by farmers in Himachal at the AIKS conference

Dr Kuldeep Singh Tanwar, President of Himachal Kisan Sabha spoke about the challenges faced by Farmers & agriculture in Himachal at the AIKS meeting at Kurnool Andhra Pradesh. AIKS represents 1.44 Crore farmer members and is one of the largest grassroots farm organizations. He said Himachal has a land of diverse landscapes and rich biodiversity and grapples with several pressing issues related to land use, wildlife protection, corporate interests, and the impact of infrastructure projects. In recent years, a series of amendments and controversies have sparked discussions and debates. Let’s delve into some of the critical issues that have garnered attention.

The Dilemma of Acquisition and land related issues

The Land Acquisition Act of 2013 has been a focal point of contention, especially concerning the shifting of agricultural land to non-agricultural purposes. The compulsory acquisition of land has raised concerns among farmers and local communities. Questions of fair compensation, rehabilitation, and the overall impact on livelihoods persist, making it a matter of ongoing debate.

Balancing Conservation and Development & Wildlife Protection Act Amendments (2022-23)

Recent amendments to the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 aim to strike a delicate balance between conservation efforts and developmental needs. While proponents argue that these changes facilitate sustainable development, critics express concerns about potential threats to fragile ecosystems. The challenge lies in ensuring that development does not compromise the well-being of our diverse wildlife.

Corporate Interests vs Tribal Rights the FCA-FRA Dilemma

The Forest Conservation Act (FCA) and Forest Rights Act (FRA) have faced scrutiny for allegedly favoring large corporations over the rights of tribal communities. Striking the right balance between conservation and the rights of indigenous people remains a persistent challenge, with implications for biodiversity, cultural heritage, and social justice.

Issues related to NDRF, SDRF, and PM-National Relief Funds

The National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF), the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF), and the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund play crucial roles in responding to natural calamities. However, concerns have been raised regarding transparency, fund allocation, and the efficiency of relief efforts. Streamlining these processes is imperative to enhance the nation’s resilience in the face of disasters.

Electricity Towers and HT Transmission Lines the Compensation for Diminution of Land Value

The installation of electricity towers and high-tension (HT) transmission lines often results in the diminution of land value for affected individuals. The question of fair compensation becomes paramount in ensuring that those impacted receive adequate recompense for the changes to their property. Striking a fair balance between infrastructure development and individual rights is a challenge that requires careful consideration.

Electricity Amendment Bill and smart meters

The push for Electric Smart Meters has met resistance, particularly in light of concerns surrounding privacy and potential health risks. The Electricity Amendment Bill has further fueled the debate, with critics arguing that it may disproportionately impact certain sections of society. Striking a balance between technological advancements and the protection of individual rights is essential in navigating this complex landscape.

Issues on Apples, Dairy & Vegetables

The farmers of Himachal face the challenges of lowering of import duty on international apples. Vegetable farmers face the challenges of monkeys and the issue of crate vs weight procurement. The quality of the cattle feed available is poor and prices are high leading to a low use of cattle feed; this results in poor milk yield and animal health.

Striking a balance between development and conservation while safeguarding the rights and well-being of communities remains an ongoing challenge in Himachal as stated by Dr Tanwar.

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