Donot risk life driving on slippery roads : Lahaul Spiti Police

Police Chief of Lahaul-Spiti district has advised People to not take risk to drive on slippery snowbound roads as it could be fatal for such attempt and rescue operation also life threatening. SP Lahaul-Spiti district Manav Verma said that a road accident occurred at Hawai turn near Kukumseri in Udaipur sub-division of district Lahaul-Spiti today.  In this incident, an Alto car (HP 43 0626) skidded off the road whose driver Rajeev Kumar aged 43 years had narrow escape..  There was no injury or damage to the driver in this incident.  Passengers traveling in the district are requested to avoid unnecessary travel during snowfall and take special precautions during their travel.  Do not take any kind of risk if the road condition is not favourable.  In case of emergency, inform on the phone number of District Disaster Control Room or District Police Control Room. Manali-ATR-Keylong road remained close for vehicular traffic today as it was snowbound. 

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