Did the Parliamentary Board authorize Jayaram to decide on OPS: Chandrashekhar

Himachal Pradesh Congress Working President and MLA Chandrashekhar has said that Leader of Opposition Jairam Thakur has been influenced by film company in the old pension scheme issue and he has also forgotten the facts. He said that the present Congress government under the leadership of Chief Minister Thakur Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu, fulfilling the old demand of the employees, restored the old pension scheme in the very first cabinet meeting and Himachal Pradesh is the first in the country to restore the old pension in its original form. A state was formed. Whereas now Leader of Opposition Jairam Thakur is saying baseless things to mislead the employees. He said that the BJP candidate is denying the existence of the old pension scheme restored by the Congress government and is repeatedly saying that Congress has not even given OPS. Whereas the state government has given old pension benefits to more than one thousand retired employees of Mandi district and has secured the future of more than 22 thousand employees working in the district by bringing them under the ambit of OPS. Therefore, he should correct his facts and also increase the knowledge of the BJP candidate.

Chandrashekhar said that Jairam Thakur should clarify whether the BJP has decided to implement the old pension scheme across the country by changing its national policy. Has the BJP Parliamentary Board given the power to Jairam Thakur to decide on the old pension? If the BJP decides to implement the old pension, then why has the old pension given during the Congress government been stopped again as soon as the BJP government was formed in Rajasthan? He said that during the previous BJP government, when the employees were demanding old pensions, Jai Ram Thakur when he was the Chief Minister, did not call the employees even once for talks. In fact, when they protested, the employees were beaten by the police, water cannons were fired on them and they were made fun of. The acting president said that the employees were challenged to contest elections for asking for old pensions. Government employees of Himachal Pradesh have not forgotten those derogatory words of Jairam Thakur.

Chandrashekhar said that the work which the previous BJP government could not do was done by the present state government in its very first cabinet meeting. Not being able to restore the old pension is a personal moral defeat of Jairam Thakur and now he is giving baseless statements to mislead the employees.

State Congress Working President said that the employees of the state have not forgotten that during the tenure of the BJP government in the year 2002, as per the national policy, the old pension scheme was discontinued and the new pension scheme was implemented. BJP had not only snatched away the pension from the employees but had also snatched away their self-respect and self-respect and had left them helpless to stumble from door to door in their old age. He said that when Thakur Sukhwinder Singh rose from an ordinary family to the post of Chief Minister, he understood the plight of the employees and restored the old pension without any political interest. In NPS, the employees who were earlier getting a pension of Rs 2500, are now getting a pension of up to Rs 25 thousand due to the implementation of the old pension.

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