CSIR – IHBT Palampur organizes a program on technology, skill development, value addition, and marketing of aromatic crop

The program was organized. Meghalaya has four districts: East Khasi, West Khasi, South Khasi and East-West. Khasi farmers as well as the Natural Resources Institute of Meghalaya Basin Development Authority (MBDA), Employees from Shillong, Meghalaya also participated in the program. Senior Principal Scientist and Program Coordinator Dr. Rakesh Kumar said that Meghalaya, the hilly state of North-East India, is facing uncertain weather and Due to excessive rain, traditional farming is becoming unprofitable. Aromatic crops and important industrial Crops have emerged as a suitable alternative. There is a huge demand for these crops in the international market.

From aromatic crops essential oil is obtained which makes it economically important. These are low-volume, high-value there are crops. Which are used in industries like perfume, aromatherapy, food, cosmetics medicine, etc. year the global essential oil market was valued at US$6.63 billion in 2016, which is expected to reach US$40.12 billion by 2030.

Shri Markshield Warjari, Senior Technical Assistant, Institute of Natural Resources, Meghalaya along with other members of his institute
came with members and farmers. He said that like most of the states of India, Meghalaya is also an agricultural society. It is a state where 83% of the population is dependent on agriculture. For the youth willing to adopt agriculture as their career. The decline in numbers is a matter of great concern. These youth should be encouraged to adopt agriculture as a livelihood and traditional
There is a need to be motivated to maintain and advance agricultural knowledge and practices.

In Meghalaya, there are ideal conditions for the cultivation of aromatic and industrial crops. of the produce of these medicinal and aromatic plants due to the huge demand in the global market and continuous expansion of farming areas for the wider interest of producers and entrepreneurs.
There are immense opportunities in the state. Dr. Sanat Sujat, Head of Agricultural Technology Division, CSIR-IHBT Singh said that species like fragrant marigold, citronella, chamomile, rosemary, damask rose, lemon grass, mint, etc. Will be important crops for the climatic conditions of Meghalaya.
During this program, farmers were given information about important aromatic and floriculture crops suitable for Meghalaya.
Training was imparted on advanced agricultural and technology processes. One at Chandpur Farm on essential oil extraction
Practical demonstrations and field visits of medicinal and aromatic crops and post-harvest processing were conducted. Storage information was also given. Engineer Mohit Sharma and Engineer Vivesh Sood took the farmers to the institute. In detail about proper management, processing, and essential oil extraction through established distillation units.

Farmers shared their experiences and curiosities in the cultivation and management of aromatic crops. Discussed the problems. Farmers also visited floriculture farms and experienced practical farming techniques. Saw the performance. He also talked about establishing contacts for marketing of commercially important crops. Learned, farmers are provided various facilities like hydroponic, aeroponic, and tissue culture in CSIR-IHBT.
Also informed about the facility, food/fruit processing, beekeeping, shiitake mushroom, bamboo museum, etc.
Went. These farmers also visited the farm of a progressive farmer and discussed the cultivation and value addition of aromatic plants.
Learned the basic steps of.
Dr. Sudesh Kumar Yadav, Director of CSIR-IHBT said that our institute is very important for the farming community. To revive the economy and increase their income through the cultivation of plants of aromatic and industrial importance. To double the capacity building and skill development programs under CSIR Mission Projects.
Empowering farmers through organizing. Farmers need to adopt modern agricultural techniques, post-harvest
To create awareness about processing and value addition of these crops and dependence on foreign countries for these products.
Efforts are being made by scientists to reduce it.

Mr. Markshield Warjari, Team Leader, Institute of Natural Resources, Shillong thanked the scientists and Farmers are urged to follow improved agricultural techniques of cultivation of aromatic crops to improve crop yield. Farmers found the training very useful, and informative and implemented the practices learned from the program. Expressed willingness to try. Program coordinator Dr. Rakesh Kumar said that 22 other farmers of Meghalaya .The second team will visit the institute from 16 to 20 October 2023.

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