Cruise, Shikara will run in Govind Sagar lake in three months: Sukhu

Thakur Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu said that tender has been issued for water sports activities.
Water sports activities like Shikara, Cruise, Banana Ride, Sofa Ride will soon start in Govind Sagar Lake of Bilaspur district. Tourists will be able to come from far and wide and enjoy various water sports in Bilaspur district.
Chief Minister Thakur Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu said that about three months ago, the district administration Bilaspur had invited tenders for adventure activities in Govind Sagar Lake and after completing the process, the tenders have now been awarded. After completing the process, District Administration Bilaspur has awarded the tender for water sports activities in Govind Sagar Lake.
The Chief Minister said that the company selected through tender will start its activities at Govind Sagar Lake in the next three months and during this period the company will complete its preparations. He said that after the start of water sports activities in Bilaspur district, the number of tourists will increase in the district, which will provide employment and self-employment opportunities to the local youth, which will bring economic prosperity in the area. Tourists from far and wide will be able to enjoy various water sports activities in Govind Sagar Lake. The state government is making every possible effort to boost the number of tourists in Bilaspur district as well as the state. Thousands of families of the state are associated with tourism and this sector is the mainstay of the economy of Himachal Pradesh.
Thakur Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu said that since the formation of the Congress government in the state, many efforts have been made to promote tourism. The state government has increased its budget for the development of tourism sector and green industry is being promoted in Himachal Pradesh. Along with this, Kangra district is being developed as a tourism capital and an amount of more than three thousand crore rupees is being spent to develop tourism infrastructure in the district. He said that the results of these efforts of the state government will be shown in the coming time and the number of tourists will increase.

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