CPI(M) activists storms roads, alleging indiscrimination against Left front Govt 

On the Nation wide Cal by the left front government of Kerala state unit of CPI(M) picketed the roads in the state capital Shimla on Thursday.

A massive demonstration was organized by CPIM outside the Shimla District Magistrate’s office in which hundreds of party workers gathered in the demonstration. 

In the demonstration, strong slogans were raised against the central government’s alleging  to destabilize the left front rule.

The speakers alleged that non BJP ruled and especially left front government are on the target of Modi government as it has, reduced the devolution of funds and central assistance 

Terming the BJP government in central motivated to unleash vedanta poltics party alleged that federal structure of the country is being dismantle . 

Addressing the protest meeting, party State Secretariat member Dr. Kuldeep Tanwar stated that the Modi government at the Center was blatantly discriminating against the left front ruled Kerala.

“The central government has centralized all the financial powers and taken them into its own hands and powers are being misused in various ways to ruined the economy of opposition ruled states.

 He said that most of non BJP ruled states in the country are badly affected by this policy however Kerala is made worst target.

He said that under the constructional frame work  Central Government is not ready to share the outstanding due of GST to the States in the ratio of 60:40. 

The funds are withold by center and others funds are also not being shared on time by the Central Government with the state which is leading to constitutional anarchy.

Central Government is increasing the levies under pretext of hike in cess and surcharge and money collected from duch collection are  not remitted to the state. 

CPM leader said that to distablise the financial management of states the borrowing limits are down sized heavily.

Party said that centre pushed the states government in a economic crisis and they are not able to carry out welfare schemes and development work.

Dr Tanwar said that Kerela got huge cut in financial assistance and tax transfers as compared to four percent share earlier state share has been reduced to 1.9 percent.

Party said that Kerala’s development model has made its mark across the world by making huge progress in health, education and welfare schemes as due to huge reforms in the education sector, lakhs of students have left private schools and enrolled in government schools.

 In Kerala, more than 60 lakh people are being given a monthly welfare pension of Rs 1600.

 The state government is providing assistance of Rs 4 lakh for each household and Rs 6 lakh for Scheduled Tribe families.

 Kerala government has built four lakh houses and given them to the poor, one lakh houses are under construction. 

 The Modi government at the Center is arresting and torturing leaders in non-BJP states through CBI and ED. CPM strongly opposes this despicable act of the Central Government.

Party also condemn the Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan has gone two steps ahead of the Modi government in destabilizing the Kerala government. 

The Governor has forgotten the dignity of the constitutional post and has indulged in petty politics. Eight bills passed by the Assembly are not being approved.

 These bills are neither being given assent nor are being sent back to the Assembly for reconsideration. 

The whole country is ashamed of the way the Returning Officer rigged the Chandigarh Mayor elections at the behest of BJP. This is the biggest attack on the independent election system, democracy and constitutional values. 

Party also sought that Himachal Pradesh should be given a special package of Rs 10,000 crore for disaster relief. The special status of Himachal Pradesh should be restored.

State Committee member Jagmohan Thakur, Ram Singh, District Committee member Balak Ram Anil Thakur, Local Committee member Sonia, Vikram, Pratap, Kishori Datwalia, Kamal, Kapil Negi, Heimi Thakur, etc. participated in the demonstration.

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