Countering Prokhalistaini call Cong MLA bring out Triflag Procession  

To give befitting reply against the call  to unfurl Pro Khalistan flag in Shimla on April 29, Congress legislator and son of former Chief Minister Vikramaditya Singh brought a Tricolour procession from Vidhan Sabha Choke  to Ridge Ground here today. After the procession Congress Member of the assembly from Shimla  rural  told to media that the procession was organised to showed solidarity with Indian Tricolour by teh workers of Youth Congress and Students of NSUI by bringing out Trianga Yatra at Ridge ground Shimla this noon to protest against the call or threatening given by activists of US based secessionist group Sikhs for Justice (SFJ –support the session of Punjbal from India as Khalistan) ) Gurupatwant Singh Pannu. MLA said that SFJ threatened to unfurl the Pro Khalistan Flag on the Ridge ground and a procession was brought to show solidarity with the Jai Ram Thakur. ” Jai Ram Thakur may have political differences with Congress but the party showed solidarity with him against any such anti national misdeed. ‘ If SFJ continue indulge in such anti national propaganda Congress party would bring out Trianga Yatra on state wide on April 29 upto block level in which party activists would carrying replica of national flags on their hands.Earlier today about 150 activists of Congress led by Vikramadity Singh carrying small Tricolour flags in their hands brought Tiranga Yatra started from Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha and it went upto Ridge ground peacefully. Latter procession disperse on the Ridge.

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