Congress will keep every promise despite the economic crisis

Health and Family Welfare Minister Col. Dhani Ram Shandil and Agriculture Minister Prof. Chandra Kumar have said that the Congress government will fulfill every promise made to the people of the state in its promissory note. Hitting back at Leader of Opposition Jairam Thakur in a press release issued today, the two ministers said that the previous BJP government had brought Himachal Pradesh to the brink of economic disaster due to its financial mismanagement, but despite this, under the leadership of Chief Minister Thakur Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu, The present government is fulfilling its promise step by step.
The ministers said that the Congress government restored the old pension in the very first cabinet meeting and a notification has also been issued not to deduct the NPS share of the employees from the month of April. With this decision of the state government, the self-esteem of 1.36 lakh employees has been restored. Col. Shandil and Prof. Chandra Kumar said that the previous BJP government had cheated the employees, while the present government has also announced issuing a 3 percent dearness allowance to the employees despite the economic plight.
He said that under the leadership of Chief Minister Thakur Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu, the State Government has started providing a pension of Rs.1500 per month to women in a phased manner. In the first phase, Rs 1500 per month is being given to 2.31 lakh women and all the nine thousand women of Spiti above the age of 18 years will start getting this pension from June 2023.
Col. Shandil and Prof. Chandra Kumar said that there have been many achievements in the tenure of only four months of the state government. The state government is also bringing major changes in the field of education and health, whose positive results are coming out. Chief Minister Thakur Sukhwinder Singh has announced to opening of one Rajiv Gandhi Day-Boarding School in each assembly constituency to provide quality education, work on which has been started. Health institutions are also being strengthened and many important steps have been taken along with providing robotic surgery facilities in medical colleges of the state. He said that the previous BJP government opened or upgraded more than 920 institutions in the last six months of its tenure, yet the people of the state showed them the way out of power.

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