Congress govt tapping phone of MLAs for Rajya Sabha MP elections: Jairam

Bharatiya Janata Party Himachal Pradesh Leader of Opposition Jairam Thakur, while addressing the press conference, said that constant pressure is being put on the MLAs by the present government and especially the Chief Minister and the central leaders of the Congress Party.

Under a democratic system, MLAs are elected representatives and have the right to vote, the process of putting pressure on the MLAs has been started. 

In a statement issued by Harsh Vardhan, Chief Whip of the Congress Party Legislature Party, on February 22, it has been written that only Congress Party candidates will cast their votes in this Rajya Sabha election.

Leader of Opposition said that the Election Commission, Government of India have said that a whip can never be issued. But despite that, a whip has been issued by the Congress party. 

He said that the Chief Minister of the state said in the meeting with the MLAs that it is mandatory that when the vote is cast, the authorized agent from both parties will have to show the vote to the authorized agent of their party after casting the vote and in the meeting of the MLA. 

The Chief Minister said that if any member does cross-voting after showing the vote, his vote will be invalid.

The Leader of the Opposition said that the Authorized Election Agent can only look at the vote but has no power to invalidate it. Jai Ram Thakur said that Harsh Mahajan is from the Bharatiya Janata Party in the election for one seat of Himachal Pradesh Rajya Sabha.

He said that after the formation of the Congress Party government in Himachal Pradesh, the first decision taken by the state government was that we would impose water cess.

He said that before the Question Hour in the Assembly, we had talked about the point of order and worsening law and order. 

The Leader of Opposition said that a 21-year-old young boy was murdered in front of the Shimla Police reporting room at around 1.30 am in night, due to which there is a lot of anger and resentment in the entire state.

The Leader of the Opposition said that the surprising thing was that the murderer had escaped after committing the murder and had gone out of the boundaries of Himachal but the police had still not been able to catch him. Despite knowing the CCTV footage, no concrete action has been taken yet.

Jairam Thakur alleged that Himachal Pradesh Police is busy tapping the location of MLAs and tapping their phones. 

This is the situation of law and order. He said that senior member of the Assembly Sudhir Sharma had said that he received a threat to kill him over the call. 

Sudhir Sharma spoke to the DGP and the Chief Minister, but will the government take any cognizance in this regard.

 He said that not one but many incidents have happened in Himachal Pradesh and recently Bamber Thakur was beaten up in Bilaspur.

The leader of the Opposition said in the press conference that the law and order situation in Himachal Pradesh Devbhoomi is worrying. The way the government and power are being used to pressure the Rajya Sabha seat in Himachal Pradesh is also not appropriate.

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