Cong, CPI(M) and teacher unions slams BJP cabinet minister for casting aspersion on the teachers

Opposition Congress, CPI(M) and teacher’s union slammed BJP cabinet minister  Mahinder Singh Thakur for casting aspersions on the teachers recently in a public function.
Congress Legislator from Shimla Rural Mr Vikramaditya Singh said in a statement that Mahinder Singhshould seek apology from teachers as he made remarks on them putting the question marks on the dedicated teachers. He said that remarks made by Minister indicates his mentality toward teachers who exposed the BJPleaders who are calling the teachers the frontline workers    
Minister was found lossing his temper and rebuking the public servents of officers to hide the government failureto check the inflation, unemployment and deteriorating economy. 
CPI(M) Member of Zila Parishad from Mandi Mr Khushal Thakur said that ministers trying to undermine the role of teachers which they played after risking their lives for organising Panchayati Raj and Urban body poll, They conductedonline classes and working relentlessly to make the online education process a successful. The minister should knowthat the lock down was announced by the Government and council of ministers, the teachers could not be held responsible or remain in  their homes during the lockdown..
Minister is known for casting such aspersion in the public several times in the past, he publicly rebuking the officers and openly making statements which is unconstitutional and not within his ambit to state,, CPI|(M) demanded actionagainst the minister for making a fuss on others instead of doing his work efficiently.    
The Minister should mind his own business as the state of Irrigation and Public Health is apathetic. Several schemes are nonfunctional and when people raised query about the major negligence minister publicly denying to not do their works being their affiliation to a particular party..
Teachers unions and other employees leaders have also condemned the statement of the minister seeking immediate apology from him. Presidente of Himachal Pradesh Govt Employees Association Mr Virender Chauhan condemned the statement of the minister.  He said that the minister tried to take the teacher lightly. He said that public being addressed by Mr Thakur also drawn laughter which is unfortunate. Mr Chauhan said that ministers’ remarks that teachers stood on the frontline for having vaccination for being frontline workers is also unfortunate.
Minister addressing a public gathering at Mandi recently stated that teachers enjoyed the lockdown by remaining at home. He said that teachers are among government employees who enjoyed this period, however later they were infrontline to have vaccination. The Minister also stated that barring employees of IPH department, most Governmentemployees were at home and enjoyed this period.

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