Come to Shimla Mall, eat Jalebi & Tikkis

Against Soical convention Admin allows food & sweet vendors on Mall & Ridge

Shimla Administeration allowed to set the foods and sweets stalls on historic Shimla Mall and Ridge as part of Shimla Summer festival despite firece opposition and wrath of Shimlites who termed the decision against the santity of the town being degraded to lowest ever. Shimla resident and noted Hindi short story writer Mr HR Harnot wrote a piece on his social media wall, sharply criticising the decision. He commented ‘come to eat Tikki -Jalabi on mall Shimla’ . He elobrated that this is same historic mall road where once city administration during the British rule have to face a case, filed by woman because she had slipped over the pebble. Now for your ‘food and drink”  same city Administeration has been managed every things. ” I have never seen such a scene in my life of almost 50 years in Shimla ” Mr Hatnot said commenting over allowing to set stalls for selling jalebis, kulchas, tikkis, cooking stalls on the mall.  These stalls have been set up right above the Rotary Club hall.  I don’t know which great Shimla Administration officer has this “high quality” idea…? Harnot who authored around 18 books most of them on the glory and incident of Shimla asked. Exposing the failure of Administeration to look after minimum order expected from them, Mr Harnot also commented in his post, ” Anyway, people are already troubled by stray and high-class dogs, rogue monkeys, tea sellers in kettles, snakes, beggars, etc. ” never expected what is being done. Town which is facing the highest footfall of Tourists and local seemed to exploited for its dignity. The lone toilet at the mall is closed for last two months for renovations unlikely to be recommission in the this peak season very soon  Mr Harnot lamented. The chaotic crowd push and hit  each others as people have seemed forgotten to walk right keeping on left despite a broad line demarcated the boundaries for the purpose. ”That is why perhaps eating gram from Punjab, Delhi would give strength to bear all this.” Mr Harnot seemed to indicate the AAP arrival in region would help them to bear the mess being created. Town likely to witnessed high decibel sound pollution in the name of Summer festival have to face similar surprise in the month of June as the entire Ridge and other places to be remained crowded. 

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