CM Sukhu warns public power companies to face cancelation MOU for not signing a pre-power purchase agreement   

Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu warned the public sector power companies to face cancellation of the MOU signed during the previous BJP rule if they would not respond to the state government notices and sign the pre-power purchase agreement.  

Responding to a query raised by Kuldeep Singh Rathore in the question hours, the Chief Minister said that the former BJP rule compromised the interest of the state. He said that in the global investment meet held at Dharamshala, an MOU was signed with the SJVN allotting three power projects. He said that compromising the interest of the state projects was allotted on the condition of nonpayment of GST, LADA, and CSR funds. 

The previous Government also surrendered the revenue of the royalty and free power to the state. He said that SJVNL was permitted to not return the power project to the state after the completion of 40 years and a royalty of 12 percent was levied after the 40 years. The Congress government after resuming power issued a notice to SJVNL asking the state government to sign the Prepower Purchase Agreement. He said that notice was issued to the firm to sign PPA about three projects including Luhri and Sunni and Dhaulasidh power projects  Under the new PPA SJVNL would have to pay the royalty to the state in the form of 20 percent free power to from 12 to 18 years, 30 pc from 18 to 30 yrs and 40 pc from 30 to 40 yrs and state would take the ownership of the project back after the 40 yrs. He said that any sovereign government could not allow any project without signing the PPA and if the SJVNL did not sign a new PPA, the MOU of three power projects would be canceled. 

He said that he would direct the firm to involve the local MLAs in the CSR activities and funds should be utilized in the affected area judicially. Chief Minister said that SJVN is bound to spend two percent of its profit on the LADA activities and company could not run away from its CSR activities by giving free hand to them in the name of investment as done by the previous BJP rule 

Earlier raising the query Congress MLA Kuldeep Rathore and Nand Lal said that Gram Panchayat affected by the air pollution and water resources are not consulted by the firms and CSR money being utilized arbitrarily in the favour of the company and a committee should constitute to ensure the proper utilization of CSR fund. He said that Rs two Crore was spent in Theog assembly and the utilization of money was not reaching the affected people.      

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