CM Sukhu launches online registration and renewal portal of State SAHC at IGMC

Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, today, inaugurated the newly developed online registration and renewal portal of the State Allied and Healthcare Council (SAHC) during the Annual Fest ‘Infusion’-2023 of Allied Health Science Students organized at IGMC Shimla. The State Allied and Healthcare Council has been formed by reconstituting the HP Paramedical Council.

The Chief Minister announced to increase the monthly honorarium of Operation Theatre Assistants (OTAs) working in various medical colleges of the state from Rs.10,000 to Rs. 20,000 demonstrating the government’s dedication for improving the livelihoods of healthcare staff. He also assured that the government will increase honorarium of the OTAs working on outsource basis in the State besides increasing the honorarium of paramedics working on similar lines. The State government was preparing a concept paper on the expansion and strengthening of health services, he said.

With the help of this portal, thousands of allied healthcare professionals will get multifaceted benefits. Through the portal, professionals will be able to apply for new registration, renewal of registration, NOC application and other services in council sitting at home, he said.

Sh. Sukhu said that this project was a testimony to the commitment of the state government to use technology for the betterment of allied healthcare professionals. This initiative would help in fulfilling the ambitious e-governance projects of the government and transform the state into a digitally empowered society, he said. He emphasized the importance of a healthy Himachal Pradesh and highlighted the government’s commitment to providing state-of-the-art medical technology and infrastructure. Furthermore, he acknowledged the significance of artificial intelligence and e-governance, which are set to play a pivotal role in the state’s future. The government has already undertaken effective measures to implement these advancements, ensuring doctors receive the necessary support to provide the best healthcare services to the people of the state.

The Chief Minister said that with the help of this portal, the work of the council will become completely paperless and the efficiency of the council will be boosted. The old records have been digitized by the Council and were being linked to the system for speedy processing of applications, he added. He said that around 9,000 allied health professionals would no longer need to visit the council and the status of all applications can be accessed online. Online Registration and Renewal Portal was a simple and completely online portal. Further, after the completion of the verification process, the Council will provide a QR code based smart card and certificate to each Allied Health Professional.

He said that this initiative by the council is eco-sensitive as it will save around 70,000 paper i.e. more than 150 trees and two lakh plus gallons of water every year. The digitization process will eventually lead to a fundamental change in the way the Council provides services for Allied Health Professionals. This initiative was an important step in reducing resource costs and making better use of council resources. This has made Himachal a symbol of modernization and progress in the health sector, he added.

He further revealed plans to establish a state-of-the-art center of excellence for cancer treatment in Hamirpur, with a projected cost of ₹600 crore, and highlighted the government’s focus on generating employment opportunities in the healthcare and allied sciences sectors.

The Chief Minister also announced rupees one lakh for the science students for promoting cultural activities.  

Health and Family Welfare Minister Dr. (Col.) Dhani Ram Shandil said that use of modern information technology was being ensured to strengthen health services and create infrastructure in the state. He said that the state government was committed to the welfare of the health professionals and concrete steps were being taken in this direction. He also emphasized the importance of high-skilled professionals in the current era and assured that the government is actively addressing this need.

Secretary, State Allied and Healthcare Council Himachal Pradesh (SAHCHP), Vinod Chauhan while welcoming the Chief Minister shed light on the comprehensive digital platform developed by Veritos Infosolutions Private Limited. The system, representing a significant milestone in the digitization efforts of SAHCHP, eliminates the need for in-person visits, allowing approximately 9,000 professionals to apply for registration and renewal online. This visionary initiative is expected to significantly reduce manpower costs, enhance efficiency, and ensure that resources are utilized effectively.

Chief Parliamentary Secretary, Sanjay Awasthi, MLA, Harish Janartha, OSD Gopal Sharma, Principal IGMC, S.S. Sodhi, MS, Dr. Rahul Rao, senior officials and allied healthcare professionals and students were also present on the occasion.

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