Chief Minister considers the people of the state as his Parivaar: Rohit Thakur

Education Minister Rohit Thakur said here today that the state government was committed for the welfare and overall development of every section of the society, despite continuous efforts being made by the Opposition BJP to halt the development works. He said that an opposition’s role in a healthy democracy is of being a constructive critic of the ruling government, but the BJP instead is focused on toppling the government using money power and spreading lies. However, the people of the Devbhoomi have out-rightly rejected the BJP’s corrupt means and money power.

Rohit Thakur said that the Congress government in the state, under the dynamic and visionary leadership of Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, has received a decisive mandate both in Assembly elections-2022 and in the recent by-elections. As a result, the strength of congress legislature in a 68 member Assembly has gone up to 38 which is well above majority mark.

In a reply to the accusations of the BJP that it was a government run by a group of friends and family, he said that Congress party has been given a mandate to run the state because the people of Himachal were fed-up by the failure of the BJP government in every front and had strong belief in Congress party’s guarantees.

Education Minister said that the Chief Minister considers the people of the state as his family and it is this “Parivaar” for whom the government has started Mukhyamantri Sukh-Ashray Yojana, Indira Gandhi Mahila Sukh Sammaan Yojana, Rajiv Gandhi Start-up Yojana and many similar welfare schemes. “Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu reinstated OPS in the state, started English medium from class one in all the state-run schools, apples are being sold and purchased as per kilogramme, universal carton system has been introduced and quality education and health services are being assured,” said the minister adding that this all was done for the benefit of the general public.

On ticket being given to the wife of the Chief Minister, Kamlesh Thakur, from the Dehra assembly constituency for the upcoming by-election, Education Minister stated that the selection of candidate in the party was done on the basis of series of survey and Kamlesh Thakur led in every such survey. “Based on the survey reports, it is clear that the people of Dehra wanted the Chief Minister’s wife to be their representative in the state’s Assembly. Since Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu became the Chief Minister, he has never used his position or influence to project his family members as potential leaders,” said the minister. “We have never seen Sh. Sukhu promoting his wife or family in government or political events. Infact he has always served the party selflessly,” remarked Sh. Rohit Thakur.

The decision to give the ticket has been taken by the central leadership and Sh. Sukhu has no vested interest in the allotment of the party tickets, said the Minister. The BJP however looks unsettled over the Congress’ party’s allotment of the ticket to the wife of the Chief Minister because the BJP has sensed its defeat in the by-elections to Dehra, Nalagarh and Hamirpur seats.

Terming the Chief Minister as a visionary leader, Rohit Thakur said that Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu has envisioned making Himachal a green energy state by 2026 and the most prosperous state by the year 2032. He asked the BJP to support the state government in achieving these targets instead of playing petty politics and impeding upon development works.

Advising the BJP to accept as well as respect the mandate of the people, Rohit Thakur said that the people of the state had full faith in Congress government and its guarantees and as a result gave a befitting reply to the BJP in the recently concluded bye-elections, handing victory to Congress in four out of six seats. The BJP would again meet the similar fate in the upcoming by-elections as well, added the Education Minister.

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