BJP indulge in Rs 22K Cr pipe, helicopter, Covid, Rally & recruitment scams

Himachal Pradesh Congress unit today blamed ruling BJP for allowing the plunder of public wealth after indulging in Rs 22000 Crore pipe, hundreds of crore, helicopter, luxury cars covid purchase, event and rally and recruitments scams. This was stated by Congress spokesperson Pawan Khera while releasing Congress party chargesheet ‘ loot ki chhout ‘ in a press conference here today. Mr Pawan Khera said that Rs 22000 Crore pipes were purchase in the state which includes more than one thousand kick back forcing the BJP government to drop concerned Minister in 2022 Assembly Election. Congress party leader said that a helicopter was purchased which went out of order within one year. Jai Ram Thakur Government also indulged in purchasing of luxury and bullet proof SUVs to ministers and officers. Congress campaign committee in-charge Sukhvinder Singh said that Jai Ram Thakur Government or BJP state president JP Nadda never disclose why they remove Rajiv Bindal as BJP president and Speaker of Himachal Pradesh Assembly as BJP leaders are indulged in Commission and covid purchase scams when people are dieing of pandemic. He said that Congress government did not spare anyone after comming to power. Congress leader in Vidhan Sabha Mukesh Agnihotri said that two police recruitment scams occurred in 2021 and 2022 and two hundred people who were sold questions paper tune to Rs six lax each are behind the bars however thise officers who are involved in sale of questions paper to the arrested accuseds are roaming free in state secretariat and Police headquarters. He said that all the BJP ruled states witnessed number of such scams for past few years as on Gujarat home state of Prime Minister Narendra Modi witnessed more than 20 such recruitment scams. He said that Jai Ram Thakur Government was indulged in saving the dealers and accused of recruitment scams played with carreer of 16 lakh youth of state. He said that Jai Ram Thakur Government also hold public rallies  using public funds as in Prime Minister public meeting Rs seven Crore bills were footed to district and State Administeration using public money and resources for poltical gain of BJP. HRTC which is continue rendering 1500 Cr book value loss were forced to deploy HRTC buses to carry BJP workers to these rally further ruined its already deteriorating economically condition. Congress government after coming to power going to foot bills of these rallies to BJP office and would not let the public money plundered. Mr Mukesh Agnihotri said that Jai Ram Thakur would earned dubious distinction for ruining the state Economy as rather creating revenue resources it further depleted the state financial health by whooping borrowing and misuse of public funds. He said that all previous Chief minister of Himachal Pradesh are remembered for founder of state, modernization, roads and water taps etc but Jai Ram Thakur who raised loan bills of state more than Rs 72000 Crore has taken 50 percent of public debt that of five last chief minister taken in last 50 yrs. He said that all the issues of Chargesheet would be brought to logical conclusion by next Congress government and it would fixed and book the culprits by registering cases against them. Mr Mukesh Agnihotri said that most of those involved in such scams are ralated to Chief minister Jai Ram Thakur and close to him. Congress party leader said that during last five years all mafia were virtual running the government as no increase was registered from selling statw natural and revenue generation resources. Mr Mukesh Agnihotri said that BJP did not auction liquors vends in last five years, state minierals, Minning and forest didn’t not added single penny to coffers. Congress would probe the loot and plunder in name of liquor vends, Minning and sale of natural state resources to bring those involved to book, he added. He said that recruitment of drivers were done in public works and others department without fulfilling the proper recruitment process by the public service commission 

 Mr Sukhu said that Congress party would ensure that all woman got minimum security garantee of Rs 1500 per month as all women would got this amount till their death. He said that all woman who are getting Rs 1000 or less Soical security pension would get enhance amounts of Rs 1500 per month. He said that Congress government made commitment to providing old pension scheme to all employees as this issue would be main planks of party menifestos. He said that BJP have to drops sitting MLAs to counter antiincombency against them as it accepted that people of state want to throw Jai Ram Thakur out of power. Mr Sukhu said that employees, woman, students and farmers are turning out in the public meeting in large numbers which reflect the mood of people in the Assembly Election. Press conference also attended by Congress spokesperson Alka Lamba and Naresh Chauhan. 

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