Bhutto should be beaten, BJP will complain to Election Commission: Bindal

Bharatiya Janata Party state president Dr Rajiv Bindal said that Himachal Pradesh Congress government Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu is speaking about anything and everything these days in a state of panic and nervousness. Sukhu has ruined the culture of Himachal Pradesh by raising the slogan of Kutto against former Congress MLA and present BJP candidate Devendra Bhutto.

The state president said that the Bharatiya Janata Party is going to the Election Commission to complain about this. This statement of the Chief Minister is with the intention that the elections in Himachal Pradesh should not be conducted peacefully. How the public can be provoked. How the atmosphere can be spoiled and how people can be motivated to vote in that bad atmosphere.

He said that the present Congress government has failed miserably. They cannot go to the public with even a single achievement. They have not done any work for even a single person in the state in one and a half years. They have closed the institute that provides jobs. Not a single person has got a job in one and a half years. He said that the Congress party has appointed 12-14 cabinet-rank people. But there is not a single job in the name of government jobs.

Dr Rajiv Bindal said that such a government has never existed in the past or the future, nor will it exist in the future. This present government has cheated the people of the state and when they have nothing to say, this government has resorted to bullying. He said that is why the people of Himachal are going to reject this government. The Congress party, which is neck deep in corruption, accuses others of corruption. The Congress government spent one and a half years of its tenure only and only in abusing the Bharatiya Janata Party. Apart from closing institutions, this government has done nothing. 1500 institutions have been closed, a loan of 20 thousand crores has been taken. Roads have been closed, development has been stopped, water works have been stopped, work on schools and buildings has been stopped, and hospitals have been closed.

The state president said that it is visible that this government cannot go among the people. This is the result of the government’s panic. Dr. Rajiv Bindal said that we will fight this in the court of the people as well as inside the cour

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