Arrogant government in Himachal, ego will break soon: Jairam

BJP State President Dr. Rajeev Bindal and Leader of Opposition Jairam Thakur addressed a joint press conference in the Assembly.

Dr. Rajeev Bindal said that the present Congress government has completed 10 months and till now this government has completely failed. This government is running contrary to the aspirations and expectations of the people. Ever since this government came to power, the pace of development in Himachal Pradesh has decreased. The way Jairam Thakur had given wings to development in Himachal Pradesh, this government has cut off those wings.

The miserable government of Congress has closed more than 1000 institutions in Himachal Pradesh, law and order is in a breakdown, law and order is completely out of control. Shameful incidents like Chamba massacre, rape, firing, misbehavior with women are happening in Himachal Pradesh and this government is silent. This government is only a government of deception.

Before the elections, the Congress leaders were considering themselves as God, that we will open the doors of God and will fulfill all the promises but nothing like this happened, this government has proved to be only a liar and on this issue, BJP is organizing a huge protest on 25th September. The demonstration is going to be held at Ambedkar Chowk Assembly in Shimla.

Jai Ram Thakur said that the 10-month tenure of the Congress government has been full of chaos, inflation is high in Himachal Pradesh, cement prices are twice as high and now a proposal has been brought in the Assembly to increase the stamp duty by 10 times. This government is not thinking about the poor people of Himachal Pradesh and is only adding burden to the people. We clearly say that if Himachal Pradesh had not received help from the Central Government, the circumstances of Himachal Pradesh would have been more difficult.

It seems that there is an arrogant rule going on in Himachal Pradesh and to break this arrogance, the legislative party and the BJP are going to hold a huge protest.

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