Apple Growers seek action against jobbers

Himachal Pradesh Apple Growers Association demanded action against some jobbers who are instigating the Shipment of Apples from the APMC market yards without auction in the state.

A Press release issued here today by President of HP Sebutpadak Sangh Sohan Singh Thakur said that a few Traders in mandis of Himachal Pradesh are instigating shipments to outside so that the government withdraws the decision to sell apples on the basis of weight.

 The Apple Growers’ Association has demanded action against such jobbers, especially the cancellation of the license of Pratap Chauhan, head of the Bhattakufar fruit market.

 Mr. Thakur said that yesterday, the jobbers of Parala Mandi got angry over defying government orders not to cut two kilos of apples and were warning them not to buy apples.  There was a dispute on this in Mandi for some time.  However, later the shipments started procuring apples.

 Sohan Thakur, president of the Apple Producers Association, said that whoever disobeys the trader and shipment law legal action should be taken against him.  

The Marketing Board has given instructions to all Agricultural Produce Marketing Committees (APMCs) that apples should be sold on the basis of weight per kilogram and two kilograms should not deduct from the apple Growers per box however despite this, some agents are cutting two kilograms

 This is causing financial loss to the apple Growers and sometimes deductions are done from 50 to 300 rupees per box.  In view of this, the Apple Growers Association has demanded strict implementation of the jobber’s action against the traders who are instigating the shipments against the APMC Act.

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