After by-elections, the number of Congress MLAs in the state will increase to 41: Sanjay Awasthi

State Congress Working President Chief Parliamentary Secretary Sanjay Awasthi has said that after the three by-elections, the number of Congress MLAs in the state will increase to 41. He said that former Chief Minister Jairam Thakur’s statement that the BJP government will be formed in the state after the three by-elections is completely like Mungerilal’s sweet dreams which are never fulfilled.

Sanjay Awasthi said here today that the Congress government has a full majority even now. Congress has won four out of six by-elections and the number of Congress MLAs is still 38 which is more than the majority. Therefore, BJP’s claim that the BJP government is going to be formed in the state after three by-elections is completely misleading and beyond facts.

Sanjay Awasthi has warned party workers and people against any propaganda by BJP and said that now no conspiracy of BJP will succeed in the state. He said that the Congress government in the state is completely strong and will complete its term successfully. He said that BJP has completely ruined the political future of three independent MLAs and now they will never win against BJP.

Awasthi has asked the party officials of Nalagarh, Hamirpur and Dehra blocks to be fully present in the election field and keep a close eye on any financial power of the BJP. He said that if such a thing is found anywhere, they will have to immediately inform the war room of the state Congress headquarters as well as the party election in-charges appointed by the state Congress committee, so that appropriate action can be taken. He said that BJP will not be allowed to play with democracy. The public opinion in the state is with the Congress and after the results of these three by-elections, the Congress government in the state will become even stronger.

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