Additional Director of Education did a surprise inspection of Kyarada School – creating a stir

The real face of the quality of education in government schools came to light when the Additional Director of Elementary Education, Shimla, BR Sharma, during his stay in Sirmaur, did a surprise inspection of Primary School Kyarda-1, Paonta Sahib. During this, he asked a simple subtraction question to the fifth-class children what is the remainder after subtracting 478 from 572. Surprisingly, out of 14 children, only three children answered it correctly. A total of 78 children are studying in this school.

When the Additional Director sought answers from the school teachers on the spot, the teachers said that the parents did not pay attention to the children. The Additional Director seemed dissatisfied with the teachers’ response. The Additional Director raised the question that when students studying in class five cannot answer simple subtraction questions, then it is not the fault of the parents but of the teachers, because the students spend 5 to 6 hours in school. Let’s spend.

He said that if the system cannot teach addition and subtraction to students even till class five, then no one else can be blamed for it. The Additional Director also expressed regret that even the supervisory system of the schools is not able to take any action against the teachers.

While giving two months time to the school teachers, the Additional Director said that during this period, students should also know about division and multiplication apart from subtraction and addition. He clearly instructed the teachers that if the quality of education in the school does not improve, then strict action will be taken against the teachers. He said that he would inspect the school again after two months.

On the other hand, DC Sirmaur Sumit Khimta directed the education department to pay special attention to the quality of education. In case there is no improvement in education, necessary action will be taken against negligent teachers.

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