80 pc suffering with mental disorder belong to low & middle income group : Expert at IGMC Shimla

There exists a divide between rich and poor as 80 per cent people suffering from mental disorder belonged to low and middle economic background could not avail the benefit of mental health care. This was stated by the Prof. and head of Psychiatry department of Indira Gandhi Medical College Hospital (IGMC) Shimla Dr Dinesh Dutt Sharma who was addressing medical students on the occasion of World Mental Health Day 2021 here today.
Dr Sharma insisted that efforts should be increased to address this gap by increasing awareness about mental disorders addressing stigma faced by theses patients and availability of accessible and affordable treatment.

” As part provisions of Mental Healthcare Act 2017 it is the right of suffering from mental illness to have access to affordable mental health care along with protection of their rights.” Dr Sharma said informing the audience that the Covid-19 pandemic has adversely affected the mental health of people and mental illness had witnessed increase all over the globe. He said that it has been found in the study especially during pandemic risk population group like elderly, children migrants, people suffering with other illness affected during the period most.

The officiating Principal of IGMC Shimla Dr Dalip Gupta has reinforced the need  for awareness, social commitment towards persons suffering from mental illness. Dr Gupta also elaborated about psychiatric co-morbidities in physical illness and importance of treating them.   

On this occasion MBBS Students participated in poster making competition focused along the main theme of ” Mental Health in an unequal world  and Mental health care fore all let’s make it a reality ”. Sonal Thakur, Priyanka were awarded for the first prize and Ayush, Asthna and Swatika sood second and Rupali got the 3rdprize. The function was attended by the faculty member, residents doctors , MBBS student, Nurses , Patients and their caregivers etc.

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