5yrs migratory labor girl mauled by leopard

A five years old girl of Bihari migratory labour killed by leopard as skull of deceased  reported missing  since 2100 hrs last night recovered 200 meter away  from the hutment at Kalnog area outskirts of this capital town on Friday noon.
Divisional Forest Officer Wild life Krishan Kumar confirmed the mishap and informed that Mother of deceased Complaint to wildlife officials that the five years old daughter went out for a natural call when she was busy cooking the dinner when she disappeared from the spot.
She said that two leopards were prowling in the area which were seen by people in the vicinity few days ago.
Police and relatives of victim  searched the missing kid in the nearby jungle till this morning since last night but could not recovered her.

A team of wildlife and police also conducted search operation after following the pugs and blood stains till midnight but didn’t recovered the baby.
The search operation was begin at early Friday recovered the skull of deceased under a bush near a big rock 200 meter away from the house DFO added.
The forensic team and family members of deceased identified the body parts and Wildlife authority decided to provide compensation of Rs four lakh to victim’s family as par new relief manual of the department.
Shimla is not considered a safe place for the living as thick forest is considered an ideal distinction for leopard.
. The victim family identified as Bihari labour 
was engaged in house construction.

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